Thursday 4 January 2007

Labour and Independents desperate rush to claim credit for Eston precinct is premature

Letters from rival Labour and Independent Councillors in Eston and Teesville wards in the Evening Gazette have suggested that they have had contact with a company who wish to redevelop Eston Precinct.

The Council has twice written to the prospective developers asking them to provide details of their business plan and how they will finance the purchase of the existing properties and businesses on the site. A meeting that was due to take place this week, between the Council and the proposed developers, had to be cancelled when it was learned that they do not have a business plan for the site.

The Council is unable to talk about the feasibility of development proposals that we have not yet been formally advised about. We are happy to help to facilitate any plan to redevelop the Eston Precinct, which is a privately owned development, but we need to know that it can be financed and is sustainable.

There have been too many red herrings thrown in over the past couple of years, due to the bitter and senseless rivalry between Councillors in the Eston and Teesville wards and it does nobody any good when they are each rushing to claim credit for development proposals that may not amount to anything. Premature claims can also put off other potential investors.

The Council is committed to finding a suitable developer for the precinct and we hope the latest proposal is not another cruel hoax in the run up to an election.

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